CCF QLD advocates on behalf of its membership on key issues concerning the civil construction industry to all levels of government.
Our strategy is to communicate our message through various forms of media and engagement with government, key industry stakeholders, members and the wider civil construction industry. Our key objective is to positively influence policy decisions that affect all Queensland civil contractors.
Over the many years we have been in operation, we have developed a dedicated list of supporters and contacts within Parliament and in the community through our outstanding reputation and unwavering dedication to the civil construction industry.
CCF QLD uses its voice as peak industry body to convey current and ongoing industry matters by going straight to the source. We target Queensland ministers, departments, and parliamentarians, by way of writing policy briefs, letters and submissions that highlight industry issues. We provide suggestions and recommendations on how these issues are best resolved in a manner which not only benefits civil contractors, but Queensland as a whole.
We also attend one-on-one meetings with Ministers, including representatives from the Premier’s office, and we are an active contributor to industry and government steering groups and committees.
CCF QLD holds educational and social events for its members and the community; ensuring that people of prominent political influence are in attendance and/or are presented as guest speaker at many of our events.
To assist our advocacy endeavours from a grass-roots level, we operate six member-driven committees. Our committees were formed to discuss, feedback, and advise on a wide range of contemporary topics and provide an insider’s viewpoint to the lived experience of civil construction businesses in Queensland.
As well as advocating to the Queensland government, we also participate in federal government advocacy through our national branch, CCF National.
Our greatest strength is having a direct line of communication from members to parliament, and we have a long list of policy achievements to demonstrate our success.