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Economic Development Queensland (EDQ), the state government’s specialist land use planning and property development unit, is entering an unprecedented level of capital investment in the Queensland economy to deliver a range of construction projects across the state.
In the next 12 – 24 months EDQ is investing over $200 million in South East Queensland alone across a range of project types from site enabling infrastructure works to complex building projects.
To hear firsthand about the program of works and the state government’s procurement process, EDQ will be holding a briefing session this coming February. The session will be presented by Tim O'Neill, Executive Director, SEQ Development, Economic Development Queensland with the SEQ Project Team.
This event is brought to you by BUSSQ Building Super.
Spots are limited due to COVID restrictions, so register for your free tickets today to avoid missing out.
DATE: Tuesday 2nd February 2021
TIME: 7:30am-9:30am
RSVP: Midday 27 January 2021
LOCATION: The Glen Hotel, 24 Gaskell St, Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113
INCLUDES: Tea and coffee on arrival
DRESS CODE: Smart casual/business
COST: Free
If you are unwell or experiencing and COVID-19 symptoms, please do not attend any CCF QLD event - even if you have pre-registered. If you are unable to attend for this reason, please contact CCF QLD as soon as possible with the name of the colleague replacing you at the function.
CCF QLD is committed to ensuring the safety of our members, staff, industry and greater community. As such, we have put in place a number of measures in-line with current Queensland Government restrictions to ensure each of our events are as safe as possible for all involved:
- Full COVID Safe Event briefing for attendees sent via email on the week of the event
- Approved COVID Safe Event Plans provided by every venue
- Contact tracing details will be recorded for every event
All relevant CCF QLD staff have undertaken the TAFE Queensland COVID Safe Work Training for Dining In training, as well as being briefed on the below CCF QLD documentation put in place for all events:
- CCF QLD COVID Safe Event Procedure
- CCF QLD COVID Safe Event Policy
- CCF QLD WHS Plan for COVID-19
- CCF QLD COVID Safe Event Checklist (event specific).
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the COVID Safe Event practices at CCF QLD events, please contact our Marketing and Events Department on 1300 CCF QLD or